Thursday, September 5, 2013

Cheesecake Factory is Going Down (this is reality)

Nothing makes you feel more self-righteous, more big-headed, more full of your own self-worth than someone you barely know saying they enjoy reading your blog.  I mean, we're not even Facebook friends.  If that person, in your own mind at least, wouldn't be the kind of person you'd peg as a person interested in reading your ramblings that's all the more reason to think you're awesome.  So since that happened to me over the past month or so I decided that I better get back to writing about things only I care about, the demise of the Cheesecake Factory.  Hopefully people will continue to ignore me and then I'll be able to get back to the hard work of learning humility.

I like reading things like Fast Company and Inc. and from time to time the stock reports.  Entrepreneurialism is so fascinating to me.  In any case, during that reading I was extremely excited to find out that yes, as noted in the bottom line of the most recent installment of Smacking Cheesecake the Cheesecake Factory is starting to go down... as in their stock (CAKE) is not meeting prognosticator expectations.  Thus, investment dollars are starting to go elsewhere and the Kingdom of Heaven is certainly advancing on earth.  

Who is responsible for this?  Take a look for yourself:

click it and hear the full story

The stock basically topped out somewhere around July which coincidentally corresponds with the Smacking Cheesecake blog on the ridiculously long menu at the Cheesecake Factory.  Furthermore, the leveling out of interest in Cheesecake Factory stock took place in February which also happens to be about the time of the start of this blog.  That first entry began by pointing out just a bit of the awfulness of the Cheesecake Factory.  Irony?  Coincidence?  Pssst, please.

What does this all mean?  What exactly is being inferred here?  Hey, if a 64 year old woman can become the first person to swim 110 miles, in 52 hours from Cuba to Florida then a little blog like this one can bring down a seemingly constant gluttonous let-down in fine dining, The Cheesecake Factory.  It may have taken several months for this blog to take its affect on the corporate behemoth; however, just like Diana Nyad's struggles with jellyfish, sharks, and vomiting, this little blog can handle some writers block and lack of attention.

Diana Nyad bears welts from jellyfish stings, three days after last year's swim from Cuba to Florida.
Jellyfish stings, writers block, laziness, don't you see the correlation?
Apparently investors are worried that the Cheesecake Factory is overextending itself... in other words the company is becoming the menu and their customers waistlines.  As Cheesecake Factory extends into Latin America they are losing quality and a focus on their domestic strengths.  

What's the the take away then here boys and girls?  When Diana Nyad hits the water sharks head for land.  And when the Cheesecake Factory tries to spread its sub-par flavors and inartistic factory style kitchens to the masses, the masses will eventually say, "Enough!"  (Or at least the stock market analysts will)

Fantasy Football Advice #2: Somebody in New England 
has got to catch the ball.

That's All I'm Sayin #1: Beth Moore's minions eat at 

My Sister's Review of this Blog:  "You're losing it old man."

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